Curious About Feng Shui?

Hey, welcome to What’s Up Wednesday. My name is Leigh Ann Betts. And I’m the founder and creator of Bust Your Busy Badge Challenge. And guess what, what’s up today? Well, women are super curious about Feng Shui. So what actually is it?

Well, Feng Shui, the actual words, Feng and Shui mean wind and water. And that’s basically how energy travels. So, it’s through wind and water. Which is pretty cool. But what I like is this definition called it’s the art of energy placement.

So you kind of know if you are rearranging your furniture if it feels good or doesn’t feel good. It’s just sort of an intuitive thing. Well it’s the energy flow that creates feeling good. And when things are kind of piled up and there’s lots of clutter, it’s basically stagnating or keeping the energy stuck.

So today I thought I would just give you three quick tips that you can bring into your day to day life. And when I do Feng Shui consultations, it’s usually for three main issues. Number one, wealth. Issues around money as well as not having enough or wanting to bring more.

Number two is issues around health. So there’s illness and people want to get a handle on that. Or number three, there are issues with their relationship. So that’s their primary, intimate relationship. Either they are feeling disconnected from their partner or perhaps they are single and wanting to attract a relationship.

So those are the three main reasons I do Feng Shui consultations. So what I thought I would do today is give you three great tips that you can put into your energy tool kit and implement in your home today if you want.

So, let’s start with health. So, that’s the fridge. So your fridge represents your health. So take a look at the status of your fridge. How is it looking? Do you have food that is fresh and vibrant and lots of vitality and lively? Or do you have rotting vegetables and expired I don’t know, salad dressings or something like that? So take a look at the status of your fridge. On the inside and on the outside. And if you have anything on top of the fridge, just take it off. Things like Kleenex box, placemats, all that kinds of stuff, you want that area to be completely clear.

So, clean your fridge. And another thing, I wanted to give you a quick tip. I love doing this. Is just before a grocery shop, go in and actually wipe down the inside of your fridge. Wipe down the drawers and everything. So when you come home you are putting all your fresh vegetables and food into a clean fridge. It takes like 10 minutes and it will totally make you feel good.

Plus you’ll also know what you need to buy. Because you can take stock of what’s in there before you go. So step number one for your health is to clean your fridge.

Step number two is around wealth and creating more of it. So your stove in Feng Shui represents your financial abundance. So take a look at your stove on the inside and the outside. How clean is it? If it’s really dirty, then the money is not going to be flowing. Clean it. There’s a saying in Feng Shui, that the harder you work, the greater the results. So the more effort put in the greater the results. So, clean the inside and the outside of your stove.

Also, the number of burners you have represents the number of abundance. So the more burners the better. The other thing is you want to make sure your stove is totally running in good condition. Nothings broken, the burners are working. All that kind of stuff.

And I wanted to give you a tip about that. Oh yeah. Rotate the burners that you are using. Don’t use the same one all the time. Rotate them. To bring more abundance into your life. So that’s the wealth tip.

So now we’re going to save the best for last. The third tip is about relationships. So, if you are in a relationship and you have a partner, go into your master bedroom. That’s actually where the relationship zone is. Well not zone, but it represents relationships. What you want to do is put a picture of you and your partner. And it should be in the last three years. So some beautiful picture in a nice frame where you can see it every morning and every night. It really is a beautiful thing to do for your love relationship. If you are not in a relationship and you are wanting one, you have got to make room for that relationship in your life. So in the master bedroom, if you have a single bed, get rid of it. Get a queen bed. Or a king bed. Queen is ideal in Feng Shui. And make sure that you have two of everything. So two night tables, night lamps. Everything you have in there is paired in two. You want to make sure that everything. And this actually applies to everybody, right? It should all be paired. And one of the important things is that everything in there is loved by both partners.

And the other thing I wanted to say, if you are single, you have to make room, physically for that new love relationship. So half of your closet should be empty. Half of your drawers should be empty. Because you are wanting to bring in the energy of someone new coming into your life.

So, I guess that’s it. That’s my top three tips for your health, wealth and relationship from a Feng Shui perspective. If you are liking my tips, go to the URL And I’ve put it in the post here. And you can download your boost your energy now, which is full of more tips for you guys.

So have a great day. And until then, be abundant. Cheers.

Photo by Alex on Unsplash