Expand Your Comfort Zone; Try Something New!

Hey, welcome to What’s Up Wednesday. Its Leigh Ann Betts here. Creator of Declutter Your Life, 30 day challenge.

Have you ever wanted to try something new, but for one reason or another, you haven’t made it happen? Today what I want to talk about it is expanding your comfort zone and trying something new.

So, I am still riding high from this past weekend where I actually tried something new. I tried something that I’ve been wanting to do for years and years and years. Growing up in a hockey family, loving the Flames, cheering them on, my brother played hockey, I always wanted to play hockey, but I never did it. This past weekend, at age 46, I played in my first ever hockey game. And in my first ever hockey tournament. A lot of the women I was playing with, it was their first time as well. It was so inspiring.

I wanted to talk to you about, what is it that’s something new that you want to try that you haven’t been able to try. And let’s give you some tools to be able to make that happen.

I want you to tell me, what’s on your bucket list? Grab a piece of paper and write down one specific goal that you want to achieve in your life. Something that you have been wanting to do for a really long time and haven’t done it. Write it down. Write down a time frame. What is a time frame you are going to give yourself to move this goal forward into a reality.

Not only that, who’s going to hold you accountable? Can you tell your partner, your boyfriend, a friend? And how are you going to hold yourself accountable? Is it a phone call that you have to make? What action do you need to take? Is it a reminder that you need to put in your phone?

First of all, find out what is the goal that you want to do? What is the something new that you want to bring into your life and make happen? The second thing is, to tell someone about it. We’re 97% more likely to achieve our goals if we first write it down. And second, actually tell someone about it. Write it down, and tell someone.

The third thing is, feel the fear and do it anyway. What happens is, when we are ready to try something new we are bumping up against our comfort zone. And that is the place of most tension and most pain. So, what you really need to do is just dig deep and push through. Once you push through, you actually expand your comfort zone. And that’s where you feel so alive, when you accomplish something that you’ve never done before.

Make sure you just feel that fear and you just do it anyway. It’s never too late to try something new. Trust me. I’ve been doing more things in my 40s than I would have ever imagined. So find out what that new thing is and go out there and do it!

If you want to feel more alive, and you are feeling run ragged, and you have a bigger dream for yourself, come visit me on LeighAnnBetts.com. And I’ve got some great tips to help bring the aliveness back into your life. Until next week, have a great week. Thanks for joining me! Go try something new!

Photo by Artem Beliaikin