The Power Of The Daily Ritual

Hey, it’s Leigh Ann Betts here. Welcome to What’s Up Wednesday. I’m a designer and creator of the Design Your Life 90 Day coaching program. So, today what’s up?

I want to chat with you about the aha’s I’m having around the daily ritual and the power of it. This isn’t new to me, this daily ritual thing. And I’m sure it’s not new to you either. But there’s some new compelling reasons I want to share with you today as to why it’s so important to weave this into our lives.

So, I have to tell you, the daily ritual has really been a bone of contention for me to adopt in my life on a regular basis. I’m totally into it for a while, then I fall off. I get back on. My theme for 2017 is power, play and prosperity. And I really feel that I’ve had this deep resistance to doing the daily ritual. And I think on some level its part of me stepping into my power. So power is part of my 2017. So I’m going to step into this whole heartedly. So I just got back from Orlando to an amazing live event called the Powerful Living Experience with David Baer. And David is amazing. And really one of my new mentors.

There’s lots of people around that say, that teach the same things. But he teaches it in a way that completely resonates with me. So I wanted to share some of the gems I got from going to that program.

He basically talks about there being two states. He calls it the beautiful state and the suffering state. And this is similar to what I call Calm Kate and Busy Lizzy. So the beautiful state is that state of joy and peace and hope and confidence and love and all those good feelings and energy.

And the state of suffering, I think we all know well, it’s that place of overwhelm and stress and hardships and struggles and that type of thing.

So here’s the thing about this. The daily ritual puts you into the beautiful state or the Calm Kate state. It helps you start responding to the world versus reacting to the world. And then when you do that, when you are in this high energy state, that’s when you have access to your creativity. That’s when you have access to the higher power. Whether you want to call it the universe. Or God or whatever that is. It’s those ideas that actually help get you to the life you’re wanting to draw to you. And it helps you draw that life to you. So it’s really the how.

So if we’re in this Busy Lizzy struggling state, we cannot move towards the life we want to create. And this has been such a huge aha for me. So I am game to commit to doing the daily ritual for myself, every morning. It is a top priority for me. Because I just think of all the suffering that I have throughout my day. And you know, if I just get up and actually focus on the good things, and I’ll explain what my daily ritual is in a minute, how much easier my life would flow.

There’s a quote by Gandhi that says I have a lot to do today, or something like this. I have a lot to do today. I am going to meditate for two hours instead of one. So you get it? It puts us in that place where we can easily and effortlessly create. And we’re supported. We are supported by a higher power.

So I want to talk about the key components to a daily ritual. And here’s the components that I have incorporated into mine. And I’ve got this from different teachers that I’ve had over the years . So the first thing that I have is celebration. Then, its gratitude. Then, I focus on others. And I’ll go into more detail about these areas. And then the next one is forgiveness. Then, its vision or affirmations. Or what David calls empowering decisions. I like that, empowering decisions. Then, evidence. And I’m going to explain that more in a moment.

So, I’d love for you to share this if you find it helpful. And also, I would love to hear from you, down below, to tell me what daily ritual do you have? And if you don’t have one, what’s keeping you from doing it? What are some of the struggles and obstacles you have in creating a daily practice? So I would really love to hear from you.

Let’s dove into those parts I just explained. Those components. So I like to ask myself some questions.

So the first question is, what am I proud of, today? So it’s like, what’s a success? What’s something I can celebrate, right? What am I proud of today? And then, the second question is, what am I grateful for?

Yeah. What am I grateful for? And the third question is, it’s referred to as a leadership principle. But it’s focusing on others. So the question is, who’s suffering? And how can I help them?

Maybe it’s helping them energetically, just by sending them a prayer or sending them energy? Maybe it’s going and visiting them and doing something kind for them. Helping them out. Being an ear to listen to their problems.

The next thing is, write down who you need to forgive? And, imagine them. And imagine sending some good energy to them. And then, this is a question we don’t often ask ourselves, but what is the vision for my life? And be really specific. What is it you are creating? What is the life that you want? We don’t do this. So if we don’t know where we are going, how do we expect to get there?

And, what you can do with this is have like a 5-10 minute visualization as well. To really visualize in your mind’s eye, that life that you are wanting to create. It’s so powerful. The mind can’t distinguish between what’s actually happening in reality and what’s happening in our minds. So it’s a really great way to start drawing those experiences to us. And to be in that beautiful state or that Calm Kate state.

So, next is state your empowering decisions or affirmations. So I’ll share a few of mine. So, I am worthy. I think a lot of women, we suffer with the worthiness one and feeling that we’re enough. I am wealthy. I am accepted.

And the cool thing that I learned from David is the last part, is asking yourself for the evidence of these empowering decisions or affirmations. So, I tried this on after I did the event. I had a whole day of travel, being in airports and things like that. So, I was focusing on I am wealthy. And the cool thing was, there was evidence all around me. Like normally, we filter out, because we’re focusing on the negative. Like what we don’t have. We’re only going back to any kind of experience we have to substantiate that belief. But the cool thing is, when I start looking for evidence of, I am wealthy, so many things came forward. I was finding coins everywhere. I was like, had someone pay for the cab for me. I got a discount on my lunch. What were some of the other things? Oh, I had a glass of wine on the plane and the debit machine didn’t work, so I got it for free. So, I was just acknowledging all this evidence. And I find that this is such a crucial part to creating and drawing that life to us.

So that evidence just keeps us in that calm Kate. That beautiful state. That we want to be in. instead of being in a suffering state.

So, what I want to do is just invite you to join me. I’ve come back and I’ve done two days of my daily ritual. And I want to invite you to join me in a 21 day daily ritual. So we can go through this together.

Because when women gather and do things, great things happen. So when you are doing your daily ritual out there, know that I am doing it, too. And let’s just see what we can create over these 21 days.

I was looking up on the internet, just before this. And it takes 66 days to actually create a new habit. So, hopefully after 21 you’ll see so many changes in your life that you will want to continue it as I will want to continue it. Because I am committed to bringing in my full power for 2017. And I’m not going to shy away from it anymore.

So stating it out to the world here helps me to stay accountable to that. Also, I’ve got 10 great tips to help keep you in this beautiful state. The Calm Kate state. Go to you can download my 10 secrets to boost your energy now. Which will further help you be in that beautiful state.

So go out there and be that beautiful person that you are. Go out there. You have got this. Thanks for joining me. Take care.

Photo by Ava Sol