Get Your Money Energy Flowing with Feng Shui

Hey, it’s Leigh Ann Betts here. Feng Shui consultant and success coach. Welcome to What’s Up Wednesday. So what’s up today is women’s purses and wallets are in need of some TLC. I’m not sure about you, but has your wallet ever looked like this, where you can’t do it up? You might have elastic around it? You got bills galore?

Or, maybe you don’t even know where your wallet is right now, or your purse? Or, potentially, you don’t even have a wallet or purse. So, if this is you, you should be here and take 5 to watch this video. To get some Feng Shui tips to bring more movement and flow of money into your life.

So Feng Shui means the art of energy placement. Because everything is energy. Including money. And feng means wind and shui means water. So it’s the movement of wind and water. And, the natural flow of like the circulation of money, it imitates the flow of energy. So, today, I want you to make some room for the flow of money into your life.

So, if you think other women would benefit from this, please share this so we can get this video out to more and more women. This also applies to men as well. Basically, I’m going on a business trip. And whenever I go on a business trip, I either switch purses or dump it out and clean it out. So I’ve just done that and I wanted to share some tips with you. So you can bring this into your 2017.

So I invite you, after this broadcast, to dump out your purse and clear it out. Clear out the clutter. That’s the number one thing to do, is clear out the clutter for the movement of money. I don’t know about you, but there are some weird things you can find in your purse. What is the weirdest thing you’ve found in your purse? Tell me below.

I mean, I find action figures in my purse. They are not mine, by the way. I did have a frog in my purse in December. A real frog. But it was in water in a bag. I was trying to hide it from my son for his Christmas present.

But what is the weirdest thing you’ve found in your purse. I’m sure it’s a catch all for some crazy stuff, right? So let’s clear out all the stuff that we don’t need in there. And only keep what’s necessary. And also, in terms of lip glosses, do we need 10? No, just pick one or two, right? So simplify, simplify, simplify.

So, the thing about the purse, as I mentioned, is it represents prosperity. You want to keep it up. You don’t want to have it on the floor. And the wallet, you don’t want to have any bills in it unless you want more. So this is a huge thing.

When you do get receipts, if you do need to keep them, other place in a separate paper envelope, or somewhere separate in your purse and when you get home, file them away in your office. But don’t keep the energy of bills and receipts in your wallet. Or your purse.

And I mentioned putting the money neatly into your purse. And the other thing is, what you can do, I’m just going to get my wallet here. This is my wallet. Get a nice wallet. Treat yourself to a nice wallet. And inside my wallet, I have a red envelope. This is like a Chinese red envelope that they give out at New Year’s. And its good luck.

Inside the envelope I got a couple of things. I have a hundred dollar bill, so I can magnetize the energy of money. And, I’ve got my business card and I’ve got a million dollar bill. Because I’m hoping for prosperity in 2017. So this is like, obviously a fake million dollar bill. But it represents prosperity. So I keep this in my wallet. So you can do the same. Just go down to China town or any kind of Feng Shui supplier will have these beautiful red envelopes. And I keep that in my wallet as well.

So, just make sure that your wallet is nice. It’s not tattered. That you can close it. That it’s clean. You’ve got your credit cards in there. If you have excess cards like most of us do, put them in a little wallet. I keep them in my car. I don’t keep credit cards there, but you know you’ve got your discount cards and things like that. Just keep them in your car and in the glovebox in a separate little wallet. Then, you can keep your wallet clean and bring in that energy of prosperity.

So, if you haven’t already, go to and download my ten secrets to energize your life now. There’s some really simple tips that you can do today to start energizing your life. So not only cleaning your wallet and cleaning your purse out, but there’s a whole bunch of other great ideas. So please go there. And if you enjoy this video, please share it with others.

Until then, I hope the money starts flowing to you. Have a great day!

Photo by STIL