A Better Alternative to the Often Failed New Year’s Resolution

Hey, it’s Leigh Ann Betts here. The creator of Design Your Life 90 day coaching program. Welcome to what’s up Wednesday. So, what’s up this Wednesday? Well, people’s New Year’s resolutions are beginning to unravel. This is when it starts. And guess what, 88% of people fail with their New Year’s Resolutions.

So I want to talk today about a really great alternative to these New Year’s Resolutions that we keep doing and failing at. So, are you game to try something out today? Awesome! And please feel free to put your comments below in what you are feeling about New Year’s Resolutions. Yay or Nay.

I’m not a big fan of the New Year’s Resolution and I’ll tell you why. Because I feel like it’s like focusing on something in the past that we have failed to do. Mistakes that we’ve made that we carry forward into the New Year. And there seems to be this energy around it of dread. It’s kind of like sledging through. Like I’m going to do it this year. And instead, what I want to focus on is looking at the New Year as a clean slate. As a fresh start. And basically, this is what I’m inviting you to do, instead of doing the New Year’s resolution, as yourself, where does my energy want to go?

And it’s more grounded in the present. It’s not about what I should have, would have, could have done that I haven’t done that I’m going to try to do this year. Which is the energy of the New Year’s resolution. But by asking yourself, where does my energy want to go?

It’s like what excites me? It’s this playful, fun, energy. It’s this energy around setting yourself up for success about doing things that you enjoy. Versus this dread of I should be doing this. So no wonder these New Year’s resolutions fail.

So the other thing I want to talk about, just do an exercise. So if you grab a sheet of paper, just write on the top, where does my energy want to go? And jot down some quick ideas. Where does it want to go? What do you want to do in this moment? It could be things like I want to take a French class. Or I want to try a new sport. Or maybe you want to take up painting. Or do some volunteering at the SPCA, or whatever that is for you that excites you, that energizes you, write that down.

And I invite you to take one of those things that you put on your list and to incorporate it into your life. And there’s really this nice moving forward when we look at where does my energy want to go. Instead of focusing on the past.

So when we focus on what we’ve failed to do in the past, it’s this yucky energy. And we end up continuing to fail. Because we don’t really want to do it. It’s because we should do it. So instead, let’s focus on where our energy wants to go now. Make sense?

You can feel the difference between the two, focusing on the past, New Year’s resolution. And focusing on the present, what excites you.

So, you know, the other thing about New Year’s resolutions is, there’s actually bigger issues and obstacles in the way as to why we are not achieving these New Year’s resolutions, these things like losing weight or going to the gym. For some, it’s stopping smoking, maybe paying off debt. And they are these continual themes year after year that we’re attempting to do. And a lot of the times there are these underlying obstacles that you may not be aware of. So I want to offer a free 40 minute clarity call for those that are interested in getting to the bottom of what is stopping you from moving forward. So if you’re into that, just click below on the link. It’s Leighannbetts.com/clarity-call.

And yeah, I’ll help you pinpoint what the obstacle is that is keeping you from moving forward. But in the meantime, ask yourself, where does my energy want to go? And go there! This is the year to energize your life. Go for it.

Thanks for joining me.

Photo by Danil Aksenov